Software developers, put simply, develop software. The market for software developers – supply and demand trends.The different kinds and categories of software developers.This blog post will give you a broad overview of:

And within those broad fields, software developers have a particular skill set (tech stack), such as the programming languages and frameworks they are experienced in. Software developers share some fundamental knowledge and skills but also tend to be specialists in a particular kind of software, for example, user-facing application software or embedded software.

And that’s just three of the main categories of the different kinds of software designed and coded by software developers. There is embedded software essential to electronic devices and systems from household appliances to cars and industrial robotics. There is systems software that forms the layer between hardware like smartphones and laptops that application software runs on. There is the application software we are most used to interacting with as consumers and professionals.

But while all software is built from code and ultimately runs on hardware of some kind, there is a vast world of variety within that. There is a huge and growing variety of different kinds of software out there and it has all been built by software developers. In 2023, software development is a sprawling field. But that presumption wouldn’t do justice to the huge variety that the umbrella term ‘software developer’ covers. Like firefighters and butchers, bakers and candlestick makers, the job title seems pretty self-explanatory. Software developers (also known as coders or software engineers) develop software.