However, I can't find a Egg PID that matches the Egg IV frame. I get a female Gentle Mudkip, and just to be sure, I level it to 43, and note its IV's are 3-4/20/29/30-31/25/1, so I enter all this into Pokefinder. I know I have to Redraw 8 times to get a Relaxed nature, according to Poketimer, so I do, and land on what I believe to be the correct frame. I put in a 4IV Ditto and a Mudkip from a seperate file. Next I'm trying to more finely calibrate my timer. I found my EonTimer delay should be 2588 to hit my target frame of 35106. I eventually got approximately the right frame (about 32000) on the Battle Video, then calibrated it with Regirock encounters to ensure that I was on the right frame (using RNG Reporter). I realized that I don't want to wait 9 minutes for every single egg, so I combined the breeding with the Battle Video frame advance method. However, I decided I wanted to breed for a 6IV Relaxed Mudkip, so I picked up Pokefinder. I've been manipulating the RNG of my Japanese Emerald file for a while now, and I've had a lot of success with RNG Reporter. RNG Reporter 9.93 (WINE/Mono compatible).